
  • Sustainability

    Environment Sustainability Initiative

Sustainability is a core priority for Seven Seas and is one of the key attributes included in the company’s vision for the future.

Seven Seas wanted to improve the quality of the work environment and reduce carbon emissions and, in its most significant initiative to date, this led to a decision to partner with Total Energies on a ground-breaking solar project for our Dubai facility.

Seven Seas Solar Panels

  • Over 8,600 PV Panels Installed
  • Reducing our carbon footprint by approximately 2,310 tons of CO2 per year
Seven Seas Group 8000 Solar panels

Our Singapore warehouse solar power roof

Recent Initiatives

Seven Seas Group introduced cages and re-usable insulated boxes to deliver products – to further reduce the use of plastic and wooden pallets.

At Seven Seas HQ we have installed filtered water dispensers and provided employees with their own aluminum refillable bottles. By doing so, we stop plastic bottles in our offices, which will reduce the equivalent usage of more than half a million plastic bottles per year!

Seven Seas is proud to be one of the first 14 major ship supply companies who have made the pledge to support the IMPA SAVE project “Getting to Zero”, the maritime supplier´s campaign to reduce the use of plastic drinking water bottles on board ships by 2025.

For more information on the services we offer, or any of our products please contact us today.